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Expanding Horizons: KFC and EEF Thailand Forge Pathways Beyond Classroom Walls

June 24, 2024 | Posted by Team SchooPed

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In today's educational landscape, learning extends far beyond traditional classroom settings and textbooks. Children now have diverse avenues to pursue their passions and carve out pathways towards future careers.

For KFC, a steadfast commitment to nurturing untapped potential aligns perfectly with Thailand's ambitious Zero Dropout Vision. Through a strategic collaboration with the Equitable Education Fund (EEF), KFC has introduced a dynamic curriculum aimed at empowering and enhancing the skills of school dropouts, paving the way for promising career opportunities.

As Thailand gears up to reopen schools, many children encounter significant challenges reintegrating into formal education systems. Alarming statistics from the EEF highlight that 1.02 million Thai youth, spanning from kindergarten to high school, are currently disconnected from the educational framework, demanding immediate attention.

Responding decisively to this critical issue, KFC has launched the innovative Bucket Search Program. This initiative is designed to reintegrate school dropouts into a flexible and adaptive education system, playing a pivotal role in Thailand's ambitious goal of achieving Zero Dropouts by 2027.

Led by KFC Thailand in collaboration with the EEF and the Infinite Intelligence Foundation, the Bucket Search Program offers participants a choice between work-study options or vocational education. This flexibility empowers them to graduate with essential skills and embark on exciting career paths.

A hallmark of the Bucket Search Program is the "KFC Classroom," an inventive curriculum that fosters vocational and entrepreneurial skills. Participants gain practical experience at KFC restaurants, acquiring crucial knowledge in business English, back-office operations, service standards, safety protocols, cooking techniques, and food hygiene.

"We are dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to education as schools reopen. Our program focuses on imparting job skills and entrepreneurship, offering unparalleled flexibility to tailor learning according to individual interests and needs," explains Sakechai Choomuenwai, General Manager of Yum Restaurants International (Thailand) Ltd. and Chairman of the KFC Foundation.

Sakechai believes that this initiative will not only transform Thai society and the economy but also underscore the importance of contemporary skills in today's competitive job market. The Bucket Search Program champions educational flexibility, allowing students to strike a balance between work and study, setting a precedent for private sector involvement in education reform.

Looking ahead, KFC aims to expand the Bucket Search Program nationwide, targeting 40 provinces this year. This expansion is geared towards promoting educational equity and equipping participants with skills crucial for their careers, economic independence, and contributions to Thailand's economic growth.

"Collaboration with the private sector to offer work-study programs for dropouts is pivotal in achieving Zero Dropout in Thailand. Leveraging the strengths of the private sector can effectively bridge the gap between education and employment," notes Dr. Kraiyos Patrawart, Managing Director of EEF.

Since its inception in 2023, the Bucket Search Program has successfully reintegrated 130 dropout children into the educational system. The curriculum, tailored to meet individual learning needs, enables students to structure their schedules around personal interests and requirements. In partnership with EEF, KFC remains steadfast in its commitment to uplifting 300 school dropouts in 2024, reigniting their aspirations for promising careers and bright futures. At KFC, every endeavor is focused on ensuring that no potential remains untapped.

As KFC and EEF pave the way for a brighter future through innovative education initiatives, the opportunity to make a difference is within reach. Explore how you can contribute and discover teaching jobs in Thailand through our platform.

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