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Navigating Thai Culture: Things Not to Do in Thailand for Foreigners

June 02, 2024 | Posted by Team SchooPed

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Navigating the cultural norms and etiquette in Thailand can sometimes be challenging for foreigners. To help you avoid unintentional faux pas and ensure a smooth and respectful experience, here's a guide on things not to do in Thailand:

1. Disrespecting the Monarchy:

  • The Thai monarchy is highly revered, and any form of disrespect or criticism towards the royal family is considered offensive and illegal. Avoid making derogatory comments or gestures related to the monarchy.

2. Disrespecting Buddha Images:

  • Buddhism is deeply ingrained in Thai culture, and Buddha images are considered sacred. Refrain from touching or posing disrespectfully in front of Buddha statues or images, and avoid using them as decorative items or accessories.

3. Public Displays of Affection:

  • Thai society tends to be conservative when it comes to public displays of affection. Avoid excessive physical contact, kissing, or hugging in public, especially in temples or other religious sites.

4. Pointing Feet:

  • In Thai culture, the feet are considered the lowest and dirtiest part of the body, while the head is the most sacred. Avoid pointing your feet at people, objects, or religious symbols, and refrain from using your feet to touch or move things.

5. Showing Anger or Losing Face:

  • Thai culture values harmony, politeness, and saving face. Avoid raising your voice, losing your temper, or engaging in confrontational behavior, as it may cause embarrassment or loss of face for both parties.

6. Criticizing Thai Food:

  • Thai cuisine is beloved worldwide for its bold flavors and unique ingredients. Avoid criticizing or complaining about Thai food, as it may be perceived as disrespectful or rude. Instead, appreciate the diversity and complexity of Thai culinary traditions.

7. Dressing Inappropriately:

  • Dress modestly and respectfully, especially when visiting temples, shrines, or other religious sites. Avoid wearing revealing clothing, shorts, or tank tops in these sacred places, and consider covering your shoulders and knees out of respect.

8. Touching People's Heads:

  • The head is considered the most sacred part of the body in Thai culture, while touching someone's head is seen as highly disrespectful. Avoid patting or touching people's heads, especially children or monks.

9. Bargaining Aggressively:

  • Bargaining is common in markets and street stalls in Thailand, but it's important to do so respectfully and with a smile. Avoid bargaining aggressively or haggling over small amounts, as it may be perceived as rude or disrespectful.

10. Disrespecting Local Customs:

  • Familiarize yourself with local customs, traditions, and social norms to avoid inadvertently causing offense. Be mindful of cultural differences and show respect for Thai customs and traditions.

By being aware of these cultural sensitivities and following these guidelines, you can ensure a positive and respectful experience during your time in Thailand. Remember to approach interactions with an open mind, curiosity, and a willingness to learn from the rich and diverse culture of the Land of Smiles.


  • teach in Thailand
  • Teaching jobs in Thailand
  • expat community Thailand
  • thailand
  • thai customs
  • cultural norms
  • dos and don'ts